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Showing posts from April, 2020

Breakthrough Discovery In The Battle Against The Herpes Simplex

According to the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, there are around 750,000 cases of herpes reported every year. More than 50 percent of population of the US has Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1. It has become one of the most common viruses that especially poses a risk to pregnant women and new born babies. It wasn’t until very recently that medical advancements were made and the anti-viral vaccine was created. Even though clinical trials were initiated by many medical institutions, they never went past the initial testing phase. Even the Rational vaccines are under investigation by the FDA because they pose a risk to the wellbeing of patients. Such conditions allow for the perception of herpes being an incurable infection to spread and become widely believed. It wasn’t until the study by Synergy Pharmaceuticals that people’s frame of mind evolved with the introduction of natural medicine. The study involved the use of using specific T cells that are genera