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Showing posts from November, 2021

Synergy Pharmaceuticals Herpes Treatment Renews Hope for a Cure and Ignites Debate in Pharmaceutical Industry

  For those who contract herpes simplex in any of its forms, the virus is generally considered a lifetime sentence defined by unpredictable flareups and endless rounds of medication.  However, a major treatment breakthrough from Australian research and product development company Synergy Pharmaceuticals suggests that herpes may be curable.  News of this medical breakthrough could lead to a windfall for Synergy, but in addition to its impending success, the company is also tasked with overcoming criticism from many within the medical community. A young company restores hope Whereas previous drug trials focused on finding a vaccine for the herpes virus, Synergy Pharmaceuticals focused on finding a holistic solution for existing herpes patients, and the approach generated unprecedented result. The company used a five-part treatment, the Combination Herpes Treatment, crafted from L-Lysine, Tribulus, Astragalus, Rhodiola, and a Unique Amino Formula[1].  The special combination of natural in